Uhm When do I get Jill? Because I'm replaying the game and I don't have her...? also what's the autosave file where we end up in a room with all the assets? I don't think that has anything to do with me not getting Jill on my team
also on this save i was in the debug area....? in the autosave0 file and might've accidently chose to not add jill? I don't remember. But if that has to do with anything then I'll just restart my game if anything. I just got to the central chamber
Hey hey, loving it so far, I'm stuck again tho cuz I'm a dumb baby. I don't know where to get the ability to blow shit yet lol. That and I don't know how to open the center gate in the room to the left of the the hallway with roof access. A hint for either of those would be awesome.
room to the left of the locked door has some glowy runes to step on. Red can be activated with inflation and yellow with fat. Then there's a switch to hit. That opens all the gates to the check in the middle
Seems really cool! However, I keep coming across errors that force me to refresh the page and restart the game, with text saying "TypeError: this[_0x4f6b9e(...)] is null"
Unrelated, but I saw on twitter you added immobile art of Jill, but the only place I'm seeing it is in the small little icons in the menus. I believe there may be a bug preventing the immobile art being shown during gameplay when Jill actually gains and loses weight from the Fat status
I seem to be trapped in the first big dungeon room right after the tutorial. Maybe im just dumb and tired but i cant find where im supposed to go (unless i need to unlock the slam ability and use it on the pads but idk where you unlock it) and i feel extremely underlevelled for the enemies
I have a small update soonish. The Seal of Wind is being worked on but won't be added for a while. There will be other zones/dungeons in the mean time though!
Also, if you want a solid place for feedback, etc because I definitely want your game to get the eyes it deserves... this is a great game so far! https://forum.weightgaming.com/c/projects/7 this forum is great for that imo
I'm looking forward to the future updates, especially the gallery. I do have a question, when would we get a new party member, like any concepts of them?
I have a few character in mind for an extra party member. Gally the merchant/engineer would make a fun class with expansion themed inventions. Gigi is also a fun one who could be a mage withe every element at her disposal. Like a Black Mage for kinkiness. Also considering Red, who could augment her boobs with elemental attacks.
The problem with adding new party members is getting art for them all!
Who do you think would make a good party member addition?
Gigi likely, but maybe Issabella? She could be a type of member to get the enemy's attention and attack her instead of her allies so they can heal themself if they're low health. Issabella would also have a skill to fatten herself and her allies to gain TP. What do you think?
I was thinking Red to join because I really vibe with her whole personality aesthetic and shape, and also to balance out the gaintypes. Get an hourglass/top heavy gal in there and then a pear to complete the quartet
Separate from my othere comment, this game is a blast. I think the issues I'm facing in terms of graphics are because I've got a boomer Chromebook and it's whatevs but on Android its super fun. I'm currently trying to get into the Lord of Flesh's chamber and I've got 3/4 visages done. I have no idea where number 4 is though, if there's anyone who knows please hit me up, I love playing this and would love to keep progressing.
Thanks! I'm glad people find it really fun too!! The last visage your looking for is probably back in the room past the timer puzzle! You can also just leave and head to the forest zone any time!
Hey, I just want to point out that there is a little bug of when Jill gets to the immobile stage, it doesn't show the picture of her changing to the higher stage. It still just shows her at the fat stage
I did nothing, I went up to the cupcake, it hit me, and I got the error. I even let the elf take the cupcake, progressed to the next area, then fought another cupcake, got hit, and got the same error.
When you interact with gally outside dragon castle her dialogue plays twice one with new art one with old art https://imgur.com/a/PEH7baV I dont know if this one is intended but when I teleport to seal of wind then go to the room below and go back above there is an extra new room which I have to go through to go back up to the seal of wind https://imgur.com/a/XolzyDP
I really like this update, and really looking forward to the gallery, I was actually going to suggest that. Questions: Will hopefully Jill get her immobile art with the gallery update, and will she have water bloating/inflation art?
awesome :) glad to hear some positive feedback! Jill does have inflated art! Though I may get another of it. Immobile Jill is something I wanna do soon when I get the funds.
There are early stage water stuff for both characters, but content for that zone hasn't been started yet. I've been thinking of getting some max sized water bloat art for both too!
Loving the new content so far, but seem to be stuck in the seal of flesh trying to find all the hidden stuff. The one by the first yellow key, and the other on the floor above the kitchen I found alongside the stairs one but can't seem to figure out where the final fourth one is.
The dialogs always appear in a straight line and because of that some of them go off the screen you might wanna take a look at that and also if I am not doing anything wrong or missing the red and blue tiles in front of the door in dragon castle don't work only yellow tile works
I am playing on pc google chrome (Windows). There are a lot of convos here is a couple of examples https://imgur.com/a/bftb1PA Btw I found another bug when I enter this house nothing happens and after that it acts like as if I left the house and puts me out. https://imgur.com/a/LilkKAQ The tile I am standing on in first picture seems to be bugged even after destroying the bushes I can't walk past that tile as if there is an invisible wall https://imgur.com/a/6z7P1Cd
Hi, I see the updates, but for some reason I still can't see the VN cutscenes and the text is still off the boxes for me. The other updates are there though.
There's a puzzle to get chonk and stand on all the yellow runes, that will open a bridge. From there learn Ass quake and open the way forward. Head north and follow the path around the caved in mine by going up the vines.
← Return to game
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Uhm When do I get Jill? Because I'm replaying the game and I don't have her...? also what's the autosave file where we end up in a room with all the assets? I don't think that has anything to do with me not getting Jill on my team
also on this save i was in the debug area....? in the autosave0 file and might've accidently chose to not add jill? I don't remember. But if that has to do with anything then I'll just restart my game if anything. I just got to the central chamber
Yeah don't use the auto save file! I believe it has certain flags set and she won't show up. The save was a development one that snuck in!
ooooooo okay got it. thank you
also, i can't download the game?
should be able to now!
do i have to start a new game again with the new update??
No I don't believe so. Unless you have a really old version
I played 2.8 😶😶
should be fine. Do u get an error?
there are just no saves or anything 😅
if you're on browser could be because your cache was cleared or playing on a different one
Today we answer the age old question, Can we get much higher?
So hiiiiiighhh
Hey hey, loving it so far, I'm stuck again tho cuz I'm a dumb baby. I don't know where to get the ability to blow shit yet lol. That and I don't know how to open the center gate in the room to the left of the the hallway with roof access. A hint for either of those would be awesome.
room to the left of the locked door has some glowy runes to step on. Red can be activated with inflation and yellow with fat. Then there's a switch to hit. That opens all the gates to the check in the middle
Oh awesome thank you
How can i go to new locations from lizard lady quest(factory,village and reservoir). I got map but still don't know how to get there.
Those are not added yet. Future update will though!
thank you
Seems really cool! However, I keep coming across errors that force me to refresh the page and restart the game, with text saying "TypeError: this[_0x4f6b9e(...)] is null"
Thanks! Yeah that bug has be plaguing me for awhile. Can't quite seem to recreate it and fix it. Does it happen in specific indicents?
This might be fixed now! Please let me know!
The bug doesn't seem to be happening anymore!
Unrelated, but I saw on twitter you added immobile art of Jill, but the only place I'm seeing it is in the small little icons in the menus. I believe there may be a bug preventing the immobile art being shown during gameplay when Jill actually gains and loses weight from the Fat status
the update with her art isn't out yet! Soon tho!
I seem to be trapped in the first big dungeon room right after the tutorial. Maybe im just dumb and tired but i cant find where im supposed to go (unless i need to unlock the slam ability and use it on the pads but idk where you unlock it) and i feel extremely underlevelled for the enemies
The Seal of Flesh should be done after getting to the Hub Town. You'll need Ass Quake to open the pads
How do I unlock Aerate in the Dragon Temple? I can't find anything that leads me to it.
it's on the second floor. The middle door is locked and can be opened with a key
I got it now, thanks.
whats the skill i need to get from the caverns in order to break the red gem In the wind dugeon?
Belly Slam. You get it from the Seal of Flesh dungeon
is it the one blocked by the pink slime girl?
in the chub town from the bottom right there is a ladder you go down and there are 5 slugs what to do?or is this area not ready yet?
Yeah it's not done yyet
"error failed to initialize graphics" its this just my pc problem or its a itchio error?
I've seen this happen when people disable hardware accelerated graphics in their browser. Or when their GPU is outdated
oh alright i was thinking the same well anyways thanks for you help also im changing this PC soon so maybe i might enjoy it
what to do in seal of wind?how to open the doors on the upper path
Oh! That area isn't ready yet. I should add a warning
okay, so far the game is good, when will the update be released approximately?
I have a small update soonish. The Seal of Wind is being worked on but won't be added for a while. There will be other zones/dungeons in the mean time though!
Also, if you want a solid place for feedback, etc because I definitely want your game to get the eyes it deserves... this is a great game so far! https://forum.weightgaming.com/c/projects/7 this forum is great for that imo
Thanks! I'll take a look!
Also I'm stuck on the wind one I think? Uhm the part where there are two doors.. I can't open the first one but I opened the second one
Hmm not sure which room u mean. Can u post a screen shot?
I got belly slam and the wind crown
Hit the switch in the top corner
hoping you make this downloadable on day
I'm looking forward to the future updates, especially the gallery. I do have a question, when would we get a new party member, like any concepts of them?
I have a few character in mind for an extra party member. Gally the merchant/engineer would make a fun class with expansion themed inventions. Gigi is also a fun one who could be a mage withe every element at her disposal. Like a Black Mage for kinkiness. Also considering Red, who could augment her boobs with elemental attacks.
The problem with adding new party members is getting art for them all!
Who do you think would make a good party member addition?
Gigi likely, but maybe Issabella? She could be a type of member to get the enemy's attention and attack her instead of her allies so they can heal themself if they're low health. Issabella would also have a skill to fatten herself and her allies to gain TP. What do you think?
Isabella has a special role to play in the story and won't likely be a party member ;] I like the idea of abilities that feed the party tho!
That's sucks, to be honest, she's my favorite NPC, but glad to give you the ability idea though!
God yes, would love to see Red become a permanent addition
Yeah she would be a fun pick! I already have the 3rd member chosen and being worked on. Now I only have one spot left though D:
Well definitely see more of Red/Gigi I'm the future. They're some of my favs and I'm even considering making them their own game.
AYO THAT'D BE SICK, those two are great
I was thinking Red to join because I really vibe with her whole personality aesthetic and shape, and also to balance out the gaintypes. Get an hourglass/top heavy gal in there and then a pear to complete the quartet
Separate from my othere comment, this game is a blast. I think the issues I'm facing in terms of graphics are because I've got a boomer Chromebook and it's whatevs but on Android its super fun. I'm currently trying to get into the Lord of Flesh's chamber and I've got 3/4 visages done. I have no idea where number 4 is though, if there's anyone who knows please hit me up, I love playing this and would love to keep progressing.
Thanks! I'm glad people find it really fun too!! The last visage your looking for is probably back in the room past the timer puzzle! You can also just leave and head to the forest zone any time!
Thank you so much, yeah that was the one. Keep up the great work.
Thank youuuu 🥺
I am stuck at the Ass Queen Temple and don't know what I am supposed to do
kiss the statues ass
Hey, I just want to point out that there is a little bug of when Jill gets to the immobile stage, it doesn't show the picture of her changing to the higher stage. It still just shows her at the fat stage
Yeah there is no art asset for that yet! It's on the list to do though!
Okay sweet! Thought I'd double check :)
After I reopen the game it started to lag and crash with this error. Can I fix this?
I am stuck with the Ass Queen thing, does anyone knows what to do in this step?
what are you stuck on?
Nevermind, Just me being a dummy.
Had a lot of fun with this one. Really makes me happy to see a game with expansion shown on both the sprites and as drawings.
Thanks :) that was an important thing to have for me!
hey hey, for Chrome OS the background doesn't load at all, I know that's not a huge priority but figured id report it regardless.
Which background?
the whole background to the game, including textures for buildings, grass, roads, interiors, etc. I can send a screenshot later if that would help
Hey, I'm getting an error: TypeError: this[_0x4f6b9e(...)] is null
It's in the first area, I slipped through a crack at the beginning and fought a cupcake below the exit from the crack.
can you describe what you did before the crash? was there a specific ability you used ?
I did nothing, I went up to the cupcake, it hit me, and I got the error. I even let the elf take the cupcake, progressed to the next area, then fought another cupcake, got hit, and got the same error.
Had a bug where after eating the elf, the image of Mari and the Elf got stuck on the screen and won't go away. Had to load a previous save due to it.
Noted Ty!
which elf? the red clothed one or blue one?
how do i get the ass quake?
Nevermind i'm just dumb lol
In the area in dragon castle where you learn aerate. Why is the gate not opening. I'm softlocked.
Blow out the torches. Talk to the statue again to get big
which statue do you mean? And do you mean all the torches?
The two blue torches in the aerate room. The statue in the middle will inflate you again if you lose the status
Ok, thanks
How do you blow out the torches?
The Aerate ability from the dragon dungeon
I did, the door still stayed locked
When you interact with gally outside dragon castle her dialogue plays twice one with new art one with old art
I dont know if this one is intended but when I teleport to seal of wind then go to the room below and go back above there is an extra new room which I have to go through to go back up to the seal of wind
Thanks !
um your recent fix download didn't upload for itch download correctly it's in the post but can't be downloaded
Oh yeah I've disabled that recently. It's not a windows exe to run and ppl get confused
ah ok
On the first fight of the game, I get this error:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'width')
when does this happen? Which browser are you using?
Hi, Chrome. It happens on the very first fight against the very first cupcake you fight in the game, the one in the tight passageway
do you know how to open the console log? Might help if you took a screen shot of it happening
I really like this update, and really looking forward to the gallery, I was actually going to suggest that. Questions: Will hopefully Jill get her immobile art with the gallery update, and will she have water bloating/inflation art?
awesome :) glad to hear some positive feedback! Jill does have inflated art! Though I may get another of it. Immobile Jill is something I wanna do soon when I get the funds.
There are early stage water stuff for both characters, but content for that zone hasn't been started yet. I've been thinking of getting some max sized water bloat art for both too!
Umm Im in the Flesh Lord's room and nothing is happening. Ig that I have to wait for a new update
after you beat her, a chest will spawn. thats about it for now. im planning out her quest afterwards. will probably also rewrite a lot of dialogue
Loving the new content so far, but seem to be stuck in the seal of flesh trying to find all the hidden stuff. The one by the first yellow key, and the other on the floor above the kitchen I found alongside the stairs one but can't seem to figure out where the final fourth one is.
There's cracks in some of the walls. Try going thru some of the old halls
I'm having the same issue. I've gone through the place multiple times and still can't find my fourth.
Check the room with the timed event and the hallway behind the first locked door. There will be cracks in the wall to belly slam
I've got those two and the one a floor above the kitchen, where's the other one?
it's to the right of the boss door. There's some stairs to go down
The dialogs always appear in a straight line and because of that some of them go off the screen you might wanna take a look at that and also if I am not doing anything wrong or missing the red and blue tiles in front of the door in dragon castle don't work only yellow tile works
Have you tried being inflated and stepping on the red tile
I just tried and it worked thx :)
I might need to add some hints for that one :)
What are you playing on when you get the dialogue cut off? Is there specific convos? Trying to find out why but can't replicate
I am playing on pc google chrome (Windows). There are a lot of convos here is a couple of examples
Btw I found another bug when I enter this house nothing happens and after that it acts like as if I left the house and puts me out.
The tile I am standing on in first picture seems to be bugged even after destroying the bushes I can't walk past that tile as if there is an invisible wall
I just put out a fix that hopefully makes it work! I cant see it on my end, so lemme knw if it does!
The dialogue cut off might be fixed now! I tried something so plz lemme know. The fire cave thing should be fixed too.
The house is still WIP, I shud have added a warning for now
Dialogs work fine the invisible wall thing is also fixed and lastly the house warning appears too so yep they are all fixed :)
OH awesome! Thats rlly good to hear! I think someone else was having trouble w dialogue and its been driving me nuts!
hey glacie the forest home path teleport teleports to the seal of wind area instead
Oh whoops! Tyy I'll get tht
that was the only out of olace part i saw so far from when i came back to the game
Hi, I see the updates, but for some reason I still can't see the VN cutscenes and the text is still off the boxes for me. The other updates are there though.
Gosh thought I fixed this earlier, but I finally got it now!
Game plays great. Thanks for the update.
Also, If I wanted to submit fanart, how would I do that? Message you on Twitter?
yup! @glaciepuff !!
how to fly above the void?
In a future update you can bounce across!
not sure if im just blind or an idiot but i dont know how to progress past the first area
it was also hard for me but its possible
What part are you stuck on?
so ya know how you walk past all the rocks of the elements? yeah that area i just dont see where to go
There's a puzzle to get chonk and stand on all the yellow runes, that will open a bridge. From there learn Ass quake and open the way forward. Head north and follow the path around the caved in mine by going up the vines.
oh my god thank you
Did you get stuck on climbing up the vines? It's an old puzzle I made early on and I plan to remove it because it's not very cleae
How do you see the VN Cutscenes? They aren't showing up when I talk to isabella?
The characters should pop in and out to talk. And change faces n stuff. Do you only see the text boxes?
Yeah, and the text is going out of the box too.
Damn! I'll have that fixed for the update this week