I'm glad that we have a new character in the party. Will Sporella have more art for other stages in the future, such as immobile size and max inflation stage? Also, when Red can be in the party soon, will there be art where her body actually get fatter and more inflated as she increase in stages? Sorry for asking so much about the art.
After I began playing this, today, I have got to say that this has become one of my favorite RPGMaker games I've played! Absolutely love the characters, especially Jill. She's best slime lady, hands down. Can't wait to see what else is in store for the future! Also, and I'm just curious, is there a way to change the arrangement of your team, such as Jill being in the front and is able to interact with stuff/use the quick abilities? Anyways, fantastic work on this! I look forward to further updates, glaciepuff!
OH gosh ty! i live for these comments!! Currently, I have EVERYTHING hard coded to Mari, but its in my todo list to be able to switch around the party members. Blame by bad programming due to this being my first real Rpg maker game x)
For being your first RPG Maker game, it's honestly very polished and plays great! I have yet to run into any issues (although, I haven't gotten too far into the game, yet. Just recently entered the Dungeon of Fat). Also, I'm glad to hear that you have team leader switching planned!
when Mari gets trap in cage of the blimp dungeon she doesn't inflate at all, and she just stays at her skinny version and also she doesn't have the animation of her floating up and down like the others and lastly the at the right side next to Mari the elf she doesn't have the animation of her floating up and down either
at the flesh dungeon when you fight the dragon girl nothing happened and no dialogue since the new update I just walked around where she's at and nothing happened and the boss battle doesn't begin at all either
Possible overlooked bug, but when I transferred by 0.3.1 save to 0.4.1, Mushroom Princess didn't have a normal battle sprite. Her inflated and fattened sprites still appeared as did her normal picture render however.
From what I can tell, 0.3.1 files on web don't have an issue with 0.4.1. If you're on windows, make sure to copy your saves to the new folder. It's also possible that something cleared our your cached data if you're playing on web.
I'm glad to have gotten through this as far as possible. The only question that comes into my mind however is, will there be any points where you become prey for a hungry predator, in-battle or out of battle?
Hello there, I just want to say I would like to say I have tried to download the game a couple times and it keeps saying that the folder is invalid. Got any tips to maybe
Really great game! I am super invested in it and looking forward to the next update. I found a small bug: when the mushroom teaches you how to inflate, if you choose burp to deflate, the game gets stuck looking for a sound file (something like dry_burp, sorry i didn't think to take a screenshot). You can get past by basically mashing retry but yeah, though you should know. :)
Hey! I was playing your game and I enjoyed it quite a bit, I was wondering if you were interested in partaking in the 2023 Belly direct! Please respond to this comment if interested!
Is the drinking contest meant to be unbeatable? Because whenever the last call is started, no matter how many drinks I've had after 3 it just gives me too much to be able to not pop
Hello! This is a great game and I had some questions, if I may:
1) I may have missed something, but are Gigi and the others still trapped in their cells? I haven't found a key anywhere so I'm just making sure I'm not missing anything 2) At this time, none of the seals are able to be finished, correct?
Overall I'm happy with the game and I especially like the dialogue throughout the game. I'm excited to see how it develops, thank you for making this!
Im glad youre enjoying it so much! Yes the Seals arent able to be completed yet, still a WIP. And you can release Gigi and friends by finding the prison key and talking to them all.
Hey there! I'm really enjoying your game! Though, I have a question, will there be full body inflation images for the characters under the inflated status, or do you plan to keep them as is?
There are a few. I wanna mix it up when it comes to shapes for inflation. Jill could use 1 more size, Mari is good imo, and there will be a few others that go full body :)
Awesome! I really love the character design for this game, Jill is my favorite, she's so squishy and lovable, and she gets adorable all puffed up! I look forward to more updates! Thanks for replying!
It will be in the Seal of Flesh dungeon. the first one is on the northern hall, and second one is behind a gate that can be accessed by breaking through the floor
I'm not sure how to progress the dragon castle, I see hints all around that point to some kind of wind ability in the forest nearby but I can't think of who or where'd Id get someting like that...
In the castle im stuck because left leads to a gate I need to interract with deals to open and the right path appears to be a dead end...
Yes the ability is in the dragon temple dungeon. If you are in the library, you can go behind the bookshelves to proceed. IF you wan't gotten that far, you need to light up some of the torches in the western room to get a key
Ive lit them all...is there some kina particular pattern i gotta do? I can get the gate to open in the room with the torches to the right, with 6 treasures and 2 mimics. theres a stone with what I assume is some kind of hint, but I think im missing something...
HI, i dont can pass first lvl, I'm standing in front of a broken bridge and I don't know how to get over to the other side, it's pesto after training and I don't understand where to go next
Small bug, when fighting Viridian dragons one of their moves displays the text
"Viridian Forcefully blows air into &b!" And the target only takes damage. I assume the character name is suppose to go there proper and the target receives an inflation stack.
I don't know if I am doing something wrong but I can't seem to solve the 5th window puzzle I tried ass quake belly slam and aerate on every single window outside the kitchen and still couldn't solve it can anyone help me ?
Okay I found it thanks and also another question is there a way for me to download my save file from the version of the game on website and use it on the downloadable version. I dont wanna start all over again on downloadable version
Hey I'm not sure where the flesh dungeon is but assume it's the green building up top but if it is the green building then I can't go downstairs once inside the first room, is it not finished or am I bugged?
Uh yes the green building is a later zone that's not developed. I should ad an NPC there to explain that. You can find the flesh dungeon in the central caverns where the first puzzles are
Please add mobile port download. This really seems interesting, but when i play it on mobile on web browser, it locks me in some areas and lags a bunch. I can handle lag but not softlocks. Thanks for reading.
I'm not sure exactly what you mean, but I think I generally know what you mean. I'll update it eventually and might have different ones depending on the situation.
Basically because it amounts to shouting, "Fight me looser!" At-least that's how I interpreted it I get orcs are generally like that in how they show friendship in fantasy settings, though it is quite clear that in your world, they do not behave like that. Well, the whole two orcs I've seen any dialogue from. And I generally feel bad about fighting people who are just trying to live their lives without actively trying to make the lives of others difficult. As far as I'm concerned those servants are either getting paid or they volunteered for it.
I tend to take thing far more out of context than I have to. And sorry it took me so long to notice that you actually asked why I felt bad, I expected you to treat it like a joke.
Oh I see what you mean! I do try to stay away from orc stereo types. The new update coming out had Mari's village be more modern.
I try to write Mari as someone who is usually kind and protective, but not afraid to throw down when needed to (though some dialogue choices change that.) I intended the banter between her and Kariarashi to be friendly and like two dude bros egging eachother on. Maybe I'll take a look at rewording it!
And yes, the people in her temple are glad to be there! They get paid riches and get to live their dream of stuffing a mighty dragon like Kariarashi!
← Return to game
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where can I get the dragon shaped key?
I'm glad that we have a new character in the party. Will Sporella have more art for other stages in the future, such as immobile size and max inflation stage? Also, when Red can be in the party soon, will there be art where her body actually get fatter and more inflated as she increase in stages? Sorry for asking so much about the art.
That is probably it for Sporella. Red will be able to join the party fully soon enough. And I do plan to get some extra "assets" for her!
After I began playing this, today, I have got to say that this has become one of my favorite RPGMaker games I've played! Absolutely love the characters, especially Jill. She's best slime lady, hands down. Can't wait to see what else is in store for the future! Also, and I'm just curious, is there a way to change the arrangement of your team, such as Jill being in the front and is able to interact with stuff/use the quick abilities? Anyways, fantastic work on this! I look forward to further updates, glaciepuff!
OH gosh ty! i live for these comments!! Currently, I have EVERYTHING hard coded to Mari, but its in my todo list to be able to switch around the party members. Blame by bad programming due to this being my first real Rpg maker game x)
For being your first RPG Maker game, it's honestly very polished and plays great! I have yet to run into any issues (although, I haven't gotten too far into the game, yet. Just recently entered the Dungeon of Fat). Also, I'm glad to hear that you have team leader switching planned!
Hello, I am a Latin fan and I have been enjoying this game a lot, it is very fun and entertaining
Glad to hear it :)
Just one question, after defeating Gigi's ex-boyfriend, where did I have to go?
that's all there is for now! There's plenty to explore and secrets n puzzles around but that's the end of the current content
when Mari gets trap in cage of the blimp dungeon she doesn't inflate at all, and she just stays at her skinny version and also she doesn't have the animation of her floating up and down like the others and lastly the at the right side next to Mari the elf she doesn't have the animation of her floating up and down either
What version of the game did you run into this?
it's version 0.4.1 that's where i run into this
try 0.4.2, I believe it's fixed in that
ok i will
It doesn't let me jump when Mari is fat
That is correct! Our hero has fattened and is too heavy to jump, unless of course you've learned the ability to Ass Quake
There's a bug where I went to that witch's house and got stuck?
Is on the newest version ? There were several of those bugs I fixed in the latest
oh ok let me download the latest
at the flesh dungeon when you fight the dragon girl nothing happened and no dialogue since the new update I just walked around where she's at and nothing happened and the boss battle doesn't begin at all either
can you share a screen shot?
Yeah nothing's happening when I got there
Are you on the latest windows version? 0.4.1
Yeah I'm in the latest version 0.4.1
Possible overlooked bug, but when I transferred by 0.3.1 save to 0.4.1, Mushroom Princess didn't have a normal battle sprite. Her inflated and fattened sprites still appeared as did her normal picture render however.
when you lose fattened or inflated, does her normal one appear again?
Nope, stayed invisible.
All of my 3 saves are gone... I spent over 15h on them and now I have to start from the begining ;-;
Oh no :(( was this in web or pc?
From what I can tell, 0.3.1 files on web don't have an issue with 0.4.1. If you're on windows, make sure to copy your saves to the new folder. It's also possible that something cleared our your cached data if you're playing on web.
How do i beat the trial
use Bounce to hop over the holes
It won't let me leave the house at floater woods where you get the map.
Noted, will be pushing a fix for that soon
I'm glad to have gotten through this as far as possible. The only question that comes into my mind however is, will there be any points where you become prey for a hungry predator, in-battle or out of battle?
Technically many of the battles are ravenous starved people. But nothing specific like that as of yet. Not a bad idea though!
Hello there, I just want to say I would like to say I have tried to download the game a couple times and it keeps saying that the folder is invalid. Got any tips to maybe
Make sure its the windows version. Which version did you download?
Nevermind, it was my internet. Sorry for the trouble and have a nice day
Awesome game, just curious if if the main story pretty much ends at exploring the Seal of Wind? Cause of the little dev in the hall.
Yes, the rest is being worked on!
Really great game! I am super invested in it and looking forward to the next update. I found a small bug: when the mushroom teaches you how to inflate, if you choose burp to deflate, the game gets stuck looking for a sound file (something like dry_burp, sorry i didn't think to take a screenshot). You can get past by basically mashing retry but yeah, though you should know. :)
Ty for the report and playing ma game :)
Hey! I was playing your game and I enjoyed it quite a bit, I was wondering if you were interested in partaking in the 2023 Belly direct! Please respond to this comment if interested!
Yeah that sounds cool!
Oh that's wonderful news, please contact me at @ihopcanada on discord for more info :). Let me know here if that doesn't work for you
Hello, I have a small problem in seal of flesh, I found blueberries at fifth window but don't know what to do with them to pass the door
You have to hit all the dragon face platforms with ass quake! they're hidden around the dungeon
(It's my another account) thank you very much :)
Is the drinking contest meant to be unbeatable? Because whenever the last call is started, no matter how many drinks I've had after 3 it just gives me too much to be able to not pop
It's a little jannky, but it can be done. Def need to fix it up or make it easier.
Hello! This is a great game and I had some questions, if I may:
1) I may have missed something, but are Gigi and the others still trapped in their cells? I haven't found a key anywhere so I'm just making sure I'm not missing anything
2) At this time, none of the seals are able to be finished, correct?
Overall I'm happy with the game and I especially like the dialogue throughout the game. I'm excited to see how it develops, thank you for making this!
Im glad youre enjoying it so much! Yes the Seals arent able to be completed yet, still a WIP. And you can release Gigi and friends by finding the prison key and talking to them all.
Understood! Thank you for the response, I appreciate the help! Keep up the good work :D
Also, I feel so blind, where is the prison key? I've looked all over the castle and couldn't find anything ;-;
It's past the chasm with the flame lanterns ! blow em out to make a path
I FORGOT YOU COULD DO THAT thank you very much!!
when will be the next update?
and is the mashroom kingdom level compited?
Soon! I need to put some finishing touches and test it. Might be 2 weeks if I can keep myself away from BG3 xD
what to do after defeating the fat magician?
Sorry not sure who you mean?
Hey there! I'm really enjoying your game! Though, I have a question, will there be full body inflation images for the characters under the inflated status, or do you plan to keep them as is?
There are a few. I wanna mix it up when it comes to shapes for inflation. Jill could use 1 more size, Mari is good imo, and there will be a few others that go full body :)
Awesome! I really love the character design for this game, Jill is my favorite, she's so squishy and lovable, and she gets adorable all puffed up! I look forward to more updates! Thanks for replying!
It will be in the Seal of Flesh dungeon. the first one is on the northern hall, and second one is behind a gate that can be accessed by breaking through the floor
Im blocked in the slime cave, i dont know what to do. Someone can help me? It says that i need slime to enter.
That zone isn't complete yet!
Ok, thanks for the reply!!
I'm not sure how to progress the dragon castle, I see hints all around that point to some kind of wind ability in the forest nearby but I can't think of who or where'd Id get someting like that...
In the castle im stuck because left leads to a gate I need to interract with deals to open and the right path appears to be a dead end...
Yes the ability is in the dragon temple dungeon. If you are in the library, you can go behind the bookshelves to proceed. IF you wan't gotten that far, you need to light up some of the torches in the western room to get a key
Ive lit them all...is there some kina particular pattern i gotta do? I can get the gate to open in the room with the torches to the right, with 6 treasures and 2 mimics. theres a stone with what I assume is some kind of hint, but I think im missing something...
Yeah, or you can light them all to brute force it :)
Okay, but i dont see any bookshelves beyond the gate, just Some chests and a stone that has what seemed to be a hint to...something?
HI, i dont can pass first lvl, I'm standing in front of a broken bridge and I don't know how to get over to the other side, it's pesto after training and I don't understand where to go next
be fat and stand on glowy runes
I get failed to initialise graphics both in-browser and on desktop, despite having hardware acceleration enabled.
Small bug, when fighting Viridian dragons one of their moves displays the text
"Viridian Forcefully blows air into &b!" And the target only takes damage. I assume the character name is suppose to go there proper and the target receives an inflation stack.
thanks ! Ill make note to fix it :)
I don't know if I am doing something wrong but I can't seem to solve the 5th window puzzle I tried ass quake belly slam and aerate on every single window outside the kitchen and still couldn't solve it can anyone help me ?
How did u get a ass quake?
It's not outside the kitchen. Try a room with 5 or more:)
Okay I found it thanks and also another question is there a way for me to download my save file from the version of the game on website and use it on the downloadable version. I dont wanna start all over again on downloadable version
Not that I know of unfortunately :C
how to get ass quake???
help pls
Go to the temple and go behind the statue to kiss her ass
Hey I'm not sure where the flesh dungeon is but assume it's the green building up top but if it is the green building then I can't go downstairs once inside the first room, is it not finished or am I bugged?
Uh yes the green building is a later zone that's not developed. I should ad an NPC there to explain that. You can find the flesh dungeon in the central caverns where the first puzzles are
Please add mobile port download. This really seems interesting, but when i play it on mobile on web browser, it locks me in some areas and lags a bunch. I can handle lag but not softlocks. Thanks for reading.
currently there's no plans to put an android APK . By softlocks, do you mean backing out of menues? Because you can by tapping with two fingers
Doesnt work
Will you make the game over look more interesting, if you know what i mean?
I'm not sure exactly what you mean, but I think I generally know what you mean. I'll update it eventually and might have different ones depending on the situation.
Thanks for the reply, it is exactly what i mean
Quick question: many dialogue choices and one of the areas requires a bounce skill. If it's in the game, where can I find it?
It's not yet sorry!
got it
Letting my cheating backside download this was a huge mistake. Thank you.
Going to be a tad more difficult to cheat without my touch screen, but I know a way.
Besides me joking around about how badly I have a cheating addiction, this is a great game.
And why did you have to make me feel bad for rematching the dragon lady?
Oh no! Why do you feel bad? It's supposed to be a friendly competition!
Basically because it amounts to shouting, "Fight me looser!"
At-least that's how I interpreted it I get orcs are generally like that in how they show friendship in fantasy settings, though it is quite clear that in your world, they do not behave like that. Well, the whole two orcs I've seen any dialogue from.
And I generally feel bad about fighting people who are just trying to live their lives without actively trying to make the lives of others difficult. As far as I'm concerned those servants are either getting paid or they volunteered for it.
I tend to take thing far more out of context than I have to. And sorry it took me so long to notice that you actually asked why I felt bad, I expected you to treat it like a joke.
Oh I see what you mean! I do try to stay away from orc stereo types. The new update coming out had Mari's village be more modern.
I try to write Mari as someone who is usually kind and protective, but not afraid to throw down when needed to (though some dialogue choices change that.) I intended the banter between her and Kariarashi to be friendly and like two dude bros egging eachother on. Maybe I'll take a look at rewording it!
And yes, the people in her temple are glad to be there! They get paid riches and get to live their dream of stuffing a mighty dragon like Kariarashi!
Spoiler gigi is telling me that I need a skill that is strong against air, were do I find it?
The Seal of Flesh dungeon. It's the fancy place in the caverns central
Okay thanks
what do i do after visiting the ass queen temple
Ass slam the yellow tile blocking the path