Ohey, little bug to point out. If you win the fight against Eccealvas in the Seal of Wind with only Red left alive, you get a Game Over immediately after the post-fight conversation finishes.
Good afternoon, sorry, can you please help me with the quests related to the seal of the wind, I’m already tired of running back and forth, can you help me with the witch quests that you need to have a double shot and the village of mushrooms that you need to find some kind of blessing
Good evening, I wanted to ask Every time I close the game, all my progress is erased, although I saved it several times, this is some kind of bug or error
Good evening, sorry to bother you, I wanted to ask about a quest related to mushrooms "Looks like your missing the Blessed Mushrooms! Check the forest south of here. I am sure they'll show up!" I ran around a lot and couldn’t find it, can you tell me where it is? I’m looking for two questions: 1) it’s related to the candy factory, I can’t find the original gall, that is, I’m already in its location but I can’t find it, and 2) in short, something doesn’t work, I’m downloading the file and it doesn’t save anything no matter how hard I tried, so I play in the browser because it’s okay that I play in the browser
if you download the game, your browser saves don't carry over unfortunately.
The blessed mushroom can be found in a puzzle room in the forest below Spore Village. You'll need Bounce to get across the gaps.
To complete the factory you need to explore a few areas and gather key cards. Once you have the Wallywix keycard you can take the elevator in the middle of the main hall.
Good evening, I wanted to ask Every time I close the game, all my progress is erased, although I saved it several times, this is some kind of bug or error
Um.. how do i tell Isabell that i sort of automatically ate the princes? im guessing it should be a failure but i guess its a bug. Update the princes respawn! so was able to deliver the snakes but now Isabell gone!
Yep started on the Vore route! So after eateing the guard and saying hi she suddenly attacked then i ate her XD. so i guess i cant claim my reward?
im going to start a second playthrough for the regular route. i have to say to bailey to get monster ability is cool and Auto-feeder MK II is incredibly powerful! tho the best option for healing at high lv (Currently 21)l in term of skill is Conjure Snacks but i noticed i dont get the 30% recover to HP & MP for three rounds.
Thanks for the swift response, Merry Xmas, happy holidays and a happy new year!
Update: I kind of Bounce over the slime bouncer to get inside the Slime VIP room as i couldn't figure out how to "Get some slime in me". When i spoken to the (Fake) Slime King the ghost of Jill appeared to tell the king is really a Lier!
I've necountered an error message while fighting OG Gally. This is when I had set the pipes in the employee only area to output berry juice. She said something about 'summoning spheres' (I think), then this error message popped up. Is there any sort of fix for this and/or a patch coming soon to fix this? (Also thankfully saved before entering the elevator to this boss fight, so it's not a loss of time to me)
The game was super fun and played until I completed the Candy Cavern and just about everything I could find! I do have issues to report, however, and I've numbered them below the image.
1. In the above image when traveling between the paladin's gate crystal hallway and the next area before getting to Dungeon Central I'm taken outside the travel bounds and get stuck. Similarly, this issue occurred early on in another playthrough that locked me here as I hadn't beaten the boss so I wasn't supposed to be teleported to this area so I was also in this zone rather than the crystal before the paladin.
2. Another issue I had was autosave being activated after losing to a boss and then the game over-screen activating. It meant I couldn't return to just before the boss, and I was at fault for not saving sooner, but wanted to just bring that up.
3. The third issue I saw was the mushroom risotto quest not updating to complete after giving Karia the meal while the feast for a dragon quest did update to include that.
4. The final issue I saw was with capitalist Gally after the fight if you go back to speak with her the dialogue is the same as when you just beat her. I didn't see any difference when running it again and the sequence of the other Gally joining the party happens again even if she's already been added permanently.
These were the only issues I ran into and I really loved what I played so far and am looking forward to seeing you complete more! I have other nitpicks but I felt these were issues warranting a comment for you to look into. Good work on this though!
I'm a little confused as to where I'm supposed to go next. I just finished the Candy Factory but my quest log is telling me that I still need "explore the Seal of Wind" even tho I'm pretty sure I already did everything in there. I blew out all the torches and I also did the side quest where you give the snacks to Sporella and turned her blue.
If you fought Sporella, then the SOW is complete. Maybe the quest didn't update properly. Other than that, those two dungeons as the highest LVL content so far
After I beat OG Gally in Vore Route after clicking the choice better demand and after that mari begin walking away for some reason you have to fight her again is this bug ??
I'd recommend some good gear and a few more levels! The forest zone has lots of side stuff to find / do, that could help! You may even be able to find friends to help you :P
Definitely try to take out the wizard first! Sporella switches between Fat and Inflated forms, so be wary of the elemental match ups. Immobile belly slams are also an ez way to knock most things out
Thanks for the reply! Will definetly go check the forest out then and aim to do the wizard first! Thanks for your help!
Also, didnt realzied you replied before I hit delete on the inital post lol. Refreshed the page after I hit delete and saw your reply. Was gonna retype it cause I didnt like how I phrased it but you ansered it perfectly.
at the seal of wind when you fight red after she's defeat in battle for some reason when you walk to the big crystals other red appears you had fight her again is this bug and also she still appears at tavern even though she has been Vore and lastly gally #003 doesn't appear outside the gates
Gally won't show up at the gates in the vore route. You'll find her later inside! You will however still be able to enter the gate, it's already opened!
I don't know if it's a bug or a nerf, but I remember that when the characters were immobile, after a while they regained life, but now that doesn't happen anymore.
Also, I'm sure this was a bug, you can't enter this crack in the cave at the beginning.
I'm just noting those details, but I'm liking the update (even though it doesn't reach the factory part xd).
So, I'm not sure where to go. I'm trying to open the gate to the Lord of Flesh's room, and I'm being told I need to be immobile, but I don't know where
3 major different endings, with a few variations each. I believe it would make 7-8 total.
For your second question, yes I try to add them here and there as I write. As the game grows there's many characters and dialogue, but I try to keep up.
← Return to game
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Ohey, little bug to point out. If you win the fight against Eccealvas in the Seal of Wind with only Red left alive, you get a Game Over immediately after the post-fight conversation finishes.
Ah that's a weird one. I believe it's because when they leave the party, you have no alive party members and then the game goes to game over
I'll have this fixed in the next update :)
Good afternoon, sorry, can you please help me with the quests related to the seal of the wind, I’m already tired of running back and forth, can you help me with the witch quests that you need to have a double shot and the village of mushrooms that you need to find some kind of blessing
happy new year
thanks :) happy new years to u too!
Good evening, I wanted to ask Every time I close the game, all my progress is erased, although I saved it several times, this is some kind of bug or error
That's odd. Are you playing in browser? It could be an issue where a browser deleted the cached data on close.
no, everything is fine in the browser, I mean that when I downloaded it and played it, for some reason it always resets when I exit the game
are you downloading new versions of the game? You have to move your saves between versions
Good evening, sorry to bother you, I wanted to ask about a quest related to mushrooms "Looks like your missing the Blessed Mushrooms! Check the forest south of here. I am sure they'll show up!" I ran around a lot and couldn’t find it, can you tell me where it is? I’m looking for two questions: 1) it’s related to the candy factory, I can’t find the original gall, that is, I’m already in its location but I can’t find it, and 2) in short, something doesn’t work, I’m downloading the file and it doesn’t save anything no matter how hard I tried, so I play in the browser because it’s okay that I play in the browser
if you download the game, your browser saves don't carry over unfortunately.
The blessed mushroom can be found in a puzzle room in the forest below Spore Village. You'll need Bounce to get across the gaps.
To complete the factory you need to explore a few areas and gather key cards. Once you have the Wallywix keycard you can take the elevator in the middle of the main hall.
Ok real question. Where can i find the reservoir after defeating the big lizard, along side the pastery from defeating gally?
The pastry quest will be in the next update! It'll be on the factory floor. The reservoir will much a much further update
Ah, well thank you, guess I'll wait
Is there a guesstimate on when the update will be out
Endless Cream quest will be this week. The water zones wont be for a while
that's fine I just want to progress in the game
I've been rematching the spore princess and farming levels for fun lmao
Also, anyone know the Expanding Knowledge order? Im kind of lost on what shes asking for
You need Bounce to get to the areas in her house that are broken. There are more clues there
Thank you, your welcome the game is amazing, and thank u again
Also, i love this game, its been so much fun to do
Ty for playing 😄
Good evening, I wanted to ask Every time I close the game, all my progress is erased, although I saved it several times, this is some kind of bug or error
Hey, was the blueberry pie for the fungle princess? Or a different one?
It's for her :)
Every time I close the game it erases all of my progress even though i saved it
Um.. how do i tell Isabell that i sort of automatically ate the princes? im guessing it should be a failure but i guess its a bug.
Update the princes respawn! so was able to deliver the snakes but now Isabell gone!
Isabella isn't supposed to be there when the quest is over, for reasons. Did you eat the princess on the vore route?
Yep started on the Vore route! So after eateing the guard and saying hi she suddenly attacked then i ate her XD. so i guess i cant claim my reward?
im going to start a second playthrough for the regular route. i have to say to bailey to get monster ability is cool and Auto-feeder MK II is incredibly powerful! tho the best option for healing at high lv (Currently 21)l in term of skill is Conjure Snacks but i noticed i dont get the 30% recover to HP & MP for three rounds.
Thanks for the swift response, Merry Xmas, happy holidays and a happy new year!
Update: I kind of Bounce over the slime bouncer to get inside the Slime VIP room as i couldn't figure out how to "Get some slime in me". When i spoken to the (Fake) Slime King the ghost of Jill appeared to tell the king is really a Lier!
So, I have the Chubby Chaser ring equipped, but I'm still slow.
Edit: It only works when I'm immobile, is this some sort of bug or...?
There is a bug that required you to have a fattened effect trigger again on Mari to apply the speed change. Will be fixed in a future update
How do I get GiGi in my team?
complete the dragon temple and the seal of wind, then talk to her in the tavern :)
Today is Glacie's birthday :)) Find her in the Candy Factory today for a free Glacie Shake :))
I've necountered an error message while fighting OG Gally. This is when I had set the pipes in the employee only area to output berry juice. She said something about 'summoning spheres' (I think), then this error message popped up. Is there any sort of fix for this and/or a patch coming soon to fix this? (Also thankfully saved before entering the elevator to this boss fight, so it's not a loss of time to me)

Thought I fixed this one! Will have to look at this again D:
The game was super fun and played until I completed the Candy Cavern and just about everything I could find! I do have issues to report, however, and I've numbered them below the image.
1. In the above image when traveling between the paladin's gate crystal hallway and the next area before getting to Dungeon Central I'm taken outside the travel bounds and get stuck. Similarly, this issue occurred early on in another playthrough that locked me here as I hadn't beaten the boss so I wasn't supposed to be teleported to this area so I was also in this zone rather than the crystal before the paladin.
2. Another issue I had was autosave being activated after losing to a boss and then the game over-screen activating. It meant I couldn't return to just before the boss, and I was at fault for not saving sooner, but wanted to just bring that up.
3. The third issue I saw was the mushroom risotto quest not updating to complete after giving Karia the meal while the feast for a dragon quest did update to include that.
4. The final issue I saw was with capitalist Gally after the fight if you go back to speak with her the dialogue is the same as when you just beat her. I didn't see any difference when running it again and the sequence of the other Gally joining the party happens again even if she's already been added permanently.
These were the only issues I ran into and I really loved what I played so far and am looking forward to seeing you complete more! I have other nitpicks but I felt these were issues warranting a comment for you to look into. Good work on this though!
Thanks for the reports!
Autosave can be turned off in the settings. Not sure if there's away around it from saving after losing besides that.
That sounds good to me! Figure there isn't an easy way if it's already built into the game by default.
It's bothered me too for a while now. I've been looking into a fix, but it's tricky!
Would it be possible to at least have the build shipped with the feature turned off by default? Or does that go beyond what's allowed?
now im kinda lost i got that beer that inflates and now i dont know were to go thers some tipe of plant that say "blow it away" i dont know what to do
Head back to town and head west to the dragon temple :) there y can find an ability to blow the bushes
I'm a little confused as to where I'm supposed to go next. I just finished the Candy Factory but my quest log is telling me that I still need "explore the Seal of Wind" even tho I'm pretty sure I already did everything in there. I blew out all the torches and I also did the side quest where you give the snacks to Sporella and turned her blue.
If you fought Sporella, then the SOW is complete. Maybe the quest didn't update properly. Other than that, those two dungeons as the highest LVL content so far
After I beat OG Gally in Vore Route after clicking the choice better demand and after that mari begin walking away for some reason you have to fight her again is this bug ??
yes, hotfix coming out later today or tomorrow to fix this
Cool looking forward to it if today or tomorrow
Well check inside the candy factory and Gally #003 wasn't there i check everywhere to find her but was no where to be found
she shows up in a cutscene in the employees zone
I'd recommend some good gear and a few more levels! The forest zone has lots of side stuff to find / do, that could help! You may even be able to find friends to help you :P
Definitely try to take out the wizard first! Sporella switches between Fat and Inflated forms, so be wary of the elemental match ups. Immobile belly slams are also an ez way to knock most things out
Thanks for the reply! Will definetly go check the forest out then and aim to do the wizard first! Thanks for your help!
Also, didnt realzied you replied before I hit delete on the inital post lol. Refreshed the page after I hit delete and saw your reply. Was gonna retype it cause I didnt like how I phrased it but you ansered it perfectly.
Look forward to playing more! Thanks again!
whenever you I fight Gally at the top and sh brings out the spheres it always crashes
at the seal of wind when you fight red after she's defeat in battle for some reason when you walk to the big crystals other red appears you had fight her again is this bug and also she still appears at tavern even though she has been Vore and lastly gally #003 doesn't appear outside the gates
Gally won't show up at the gates in the vore route. You'll find her later inside! You will however still be able to enter the gate, it's already opened!
I'm making note of the other bugs, Ty!
No problem 👍👍👍
Found a bug in the gally fight. She choco'd gally, then force-fed her, and this happened
I am aware! Still trying to fix this one
so im kinda curious, is the vore route going to be considered some kinda evil route?
Yes and no. The main character does act differently on this play through. But some might not consider the endings I have in mind *bad*
I don't know if it's a bug or a nerf, but I remember that when the characters were immobile, after a while they regained life, but now that doesn't happen anymore.
Also, I'm sure this was a bug, you can't enter this crack in the cave at the beginning.
I'm just noting those details, but I'm liking the update (even though it doesn't reach the factory part xd).
immobile has been reworked quite a bit. As for the crack, I had a feeling that would be broken, will look into it x)
Finally got around to meeting Martha. Didn't know there'd be different interactions based on your path, pretty good detail.
That was added recently actually:) thanks to ExplosvShoggoth (who makes the music)
The npc half orc you give food then they turn fat well they stay same they don't become bigger
shud be fixed now
Where do you find the blessed mushrooms, I've been searching for so long
There is a zone outside Spore Village , in there is a path to another zone with big holes in the floor. You need Bounce to make it over them
Okay cool, and where do I go to learn bounce? Also, loving the game so far, can't wait until the full thing is out!
It's in the Seal of Wind, the castle north of Spore village :)
Got it. Thank you so much for helping me. these things must be kiddie stuff for you, so I appreciate you telling people like me where to go!
So, I'm not sure where to go. I'm trying to open the gate to the Lord of Flesh's room, and I'm being told I need to be immobile, but I don't know where
Nvm I was being dumb
Kind of two different questions here but I figured I'd ask.
1. How many endings are you planning for the base game out of curiosity?
2. Do you plan on making more unique interactions with people when Mari is at her maximum weight?
3 major different endings, with a few variations each. I believe it would make 7-8 total.
For your second question, yes I try to add them here and there as I write. As the game grows there's many characters and dialogue, but I try to keep up.
blonde elf girl when beat her in battle she disappeared she's not on floor unconscious
Fix for this is coming up in the next update!
im stuck in the part were thers a guy that tells you to learn"ass quake" what do i do ?
there's a temple to the right, kiss the statues butt to learn it
what is the order of things at the path house of floater woods
So I've just noticed that there's two Gally #003s. One is in the shop in Chub Town, and the other is the one that joins your party.
Oh yes, I meant to change that. Ty for the reminder
a bit stuck on the golden plat thing
dont know how to get the ability from the statue.
Interact with the statue from behind it!
never mind
how do you get past the gaps
will we get a playthrough of the game when its finished
Like a walk through?
I pressed the lever hear a couple of more times than I should and now the crystal thing is permanently affixed to the left here as its beginning spot.
Well that is one way to solve the puzzle 🤣