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I downloaded the update (didnt finished yet) its awesome!!!

Also, is there any blueberrification to do in this update?

Unfortunately not, there isn't any bosses this patch that can be berried. 

There is a very specific event that is berry related, but it's extremely rare to find.

Is that berry event luck based?

nope :)

I need help finding a second thirsty seed so I can save Froggy. Do you know where I can find either of the two seeds?

Near the end of the dungeon, where the teleport crystal is, they can be found in the two left side rooms, once in each.


Buenas te tengo una sugerencia bien loca y es que en la ruta vore podrías hacer un grupo que se uniría con Brookes, las miembros serian Isabella, Nessi y Jucy Esto se me ocurrió ya que 2 de ellas estaban influenciadas por el devorador y la otra trabaja directamente para él.

I have thought of this possibility as well. I do like the idea of the vore route being solo only, but it is pretty tough. Maybe an easier route would be as you suggested.

I have a quick question. I am trying to update to version 0.6,but when I downloaded the update and tried replacing the files from the pervious version, the new area was still blocked off, the save data was still there, but no new content. How do you update the game correctly? Thanks.

It's easier to copy your save folder into the new 0.6.0 folder. If you copy everything you'll have to make you you replace all duplicate files and don't skip duplicates


That worked. Thank you so much. I also am really enjoying the game so far.

Good to hear :) thanks for playing

No soy como el artista @JijaFat ni a los talones le llegó ni se dibujó, pero hice esto por diversión si se ríen lo acepto que no se como hacer este tipo de dibujo pero este dibujo representa mi personaje favorito Sporella, Ni Siquiera tengo los color de su piel Y para finalizar espero no ofender a la creadora del personaje con este dibujo 

That is so lovely!! I love to see Sporella with a  few extra layers :D Thank you!

me alegra ver que si te gusto y que no te ofendiste talves dibuje a otros personajes por divercion y para liberar estres por los exámenes que me tocan la proxima semana talves los aga el dia de mañana o el viernes las siguiente será Jill o Nessie

Good luck! And thank you! Looking forward to seeing it

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I meant to ask this a while back, but kept forgetting to do so. Is there a way to turn off the conveyor belts in the factory and get the loot from the chests along side them? I'd searched around and couldn't figure out a way to do it

U gotta jump , ass quake, or bounce to some of em. Others just spam the interaction button.

I can't find the shark girl at the end of the dungeon did miss something or is this a bug?

Shes hiding in the north eastern room near the end of the dungeon.


me gustó la actualización, fue agradable y el personaje de Nessie, a mi gusto fue lo mejor.

I'm glad you like Nessie! I've been really excited to show her off!

Será jugable en un futuro??

Sí !

I did enjoy the update. 

I did like the challenge to quickly finish the quest before time ran out.

I do like Brookes, gives a goth vibe, but I miss Red however.

There's an issue with the dev menu. All but "Recover All" and "GOTO dev room" doesn't work.

Will Polly be a playable member in the future, because she's now my top 3 favorite character and she's cute! Also, it's weird that she doesn't become immobile after giving her a mega potato, maybe because the immobile art it's still WIP.

I'm glad you enjoyed the challenge! I was worried people would find it too harsh.

Polly will be playable in a future update! When I have the art assets done, she will for sure max out when giving her the potato :)

I can respect the challenge, because it depends on the player's actions, but just in case if enough people said it too difficult or not enough time, just make it last a little bit longer.

Speaking of art assets, when will there be more for Gigi? Because I think there no immobile art and missing one or two inflated art state. 

Other than that, can't wait to see more art for Polly, along her being playable!

She is on the back burner of assets to get. Her immobile one is standing up, but it is an older asset made before the game was developed. A middle stage inflation wouldnt hurt either xD But theres only so much we can do!


I can respect it! So much to do in such little time.

Either way, I look forward seeing the rest of the game!

Hihi, played the new update, I THINK I've gotten through all the content (emphasis on the "think" section) but i did notice something a little funny in the patch notes, which leads me to the question, is there more berry content in this update? If there is I definitely missed it, as always, excited for the next update, game has been great so far!

hmmm I'm not Quite sure now that yoU mention it. If thEre was, it would bE very brief aNd extremely obscure.


Me gusto mucho el juego y ya espero la vercion 6.0 solo queria saver comentar algo no es nada malo es solo una recomendacion, y es sobre el personahe de Sporella no podrias hacer que tenga mas formas de engorde y de inflacion.

Thank you I'm glad you enjoy it :) the next update 0.6.0 will be out on Monday or Tuesday :)) I'm glad you like Sporella too! I'd like to do more art for all the characters, but resources are limited!

Que bien espero que salga el lunes, mis personajes favoritos son Sporella, Lexi (que antes era conocida como roja) y Jilli

is the 6.0 out yet?


Nope. It's in play testing now, with another update to it in the way this week. Should be cleaned up and ready in 1-2 weeks

I don't know if I messed up or I'm bad. I made it to Viridian Dragon Temple and I'm stuck. I tried following the Walkthrough guide. But I think I messed up somewhere.

Where are you stuck specifically? Screenshots help!

Can't figure out how to open this door. And I'm currently trying to playthrough as a single character.

Also did explore to the right of the Castle/Temple and did the Torch puzzle

Get inflated and stand on the red rune!

It worked. God now I feel silly about not trying that.
Thanks a lot!

UHHH.  I have committed dubious!  Sooo people reported that you could jump over the dev girl that's supposed to block you from most of the water area.  Taking that knowledge, I explored there as far as I could (Yes, I know the dangers.  Oh, and if you don't know the dangers, DON'T DO THIS.  It could corrupt your saves later when the areas are actually released).  But then I got curious as to where else I might get.  I GOT HERE.  So the ladder just past the dev girl blocking the slime area functions.  You just have to jump juuust right to not overshoot.  You should probably disable that for now, or link the warp to a temporary event that teleports you back and text boxes something like "nice try but don't."


I always wondered if someone would wander their way into this zone XD 


I felt so powerful the moment it happened.  Like I outsmarted the developers!  Then my reality check bounced and I remembered how much I'm risking my save files pulling stunts like this!  :{

It's not a big deal if you just save your game before messing around. Then just reload!

that ir Belly Slam

Hello, I already passed the mushroom queen's bow on the vore route and the magic seal, now what should I do?

Are you supposed to jump over the dev girl?

No hahah, she's there just to tell you the rest is a work in progress. Some people have discovered you can hop over her though xD 

alr was just wondering that's all

Hello, I already passed the mushroom queen's bow on the vore route and the magic seal, now what should I do and Also, the guide doesn't help at all, I don't understand it.

There's the Seal of Flesh and Candy Factory

Hello, I have a question. Is there another way to enter the seal of magic? Oh, you can only kill the mushroom queen. By the way, I’m on the vore route

Yes on the vore route you have to fight the mushroom queen to get in.

I have a question, what level should I be to advance and defeat the mushroom queen in the vore route because no matter what I do, she always defeats me? :imp: :japanese_goblin: :japanese_ogre:

The fight is pretty hard. But I would recommend LVL 10 or more with good gear. You'll need to be careful of her form changes !

but I'm talking about the mushroom girl from the zeta kingdom but when I go with level 39 or 40 it always kills me and it doesn't matter who eats me I can't get it I use charge and charge and it doesn't work also I don't know what to do in the way of gaining weight when I get to the end I fight against the dark sorcerer and I always lose, what should I do in both cases?

Can you show me what your stats are and what gear you have equipped? Also it's impressive that you have grinded to level 40!

oh that was from the candy version part 1 also I only do the vore route so I ate everyone who is on my team on the weight gain route

Vore route will be pretty difficult alone. It's intended to be harder. Make sure you understand the weaknesses and bonuses of elemental type match up.  And equip all the best gear you can.

(1 edit)

How do I beat the seal of wind boss,  I'm having a hard time trying to beat it and how do I use the blueberry pie?


Make sure to get lots of good gear with Resistance. The main boss will switch between elemental types, so make sure to change up your counters. You can also take out the smaller spell caster first. And if you really need help, there's a way to have some friends assist you! Read the walkthrough for help with that!

thanks, I'll try that.


Walls are merely an illusion


Whoops forgot to set the boundaries in that zone 😆 thanks for the reminderr

Oh yeah I forgot I found that.  I thought it might have been intentional, but looking back it clearly isn't.  Sorry.

No worries ☺️

Lol, no problem

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I know that all the playable characters for Hunger are all in base game, but I don't think I've ever seen the art cut in for Zaiva. Is she hidden somewhere in base dotd, or is she a yet to be added character? It's random, but I'm curious.

Zaiva is currently in an unfinished zone! She will be making her grand appearance soon enough!


She looks cool. Can't wait to see her later on. 

Whens the next uodate

I did everything including the unfinished parts of the water area 

I'm excited to finish the quest I'm on to save the frog from the shark

It'll be out when it's ready. It'll include the next big dungeon and several smaller zones and a new town. It's getting close to be ready for testing.

 I wouldn't recommend glitching into the unfinished areas unless you have a backup save x) There may be things changed that breaks your save file.

Oopsie daisy..

Heyo! I'm not very tech savvy when it comes to files and stuff, but is there a way to install and play updates without losing my progress? enjoyed the game a lot!


1.  Download the latest version into a new folder.

2.  Look at the files of the old version.  There should be a folder labeled Saves or something like that.  Right click the folder, click Copy.

3.  Go to the folder of the new version.  If you've already started in the new version, it'll have it's own save folder.  You'll have to look in the old save folder and copy each file independently into the new save folder.  Otherwise, if you HAVEN'T started the new version, just right click the window in the folder, then click Paste.  The game should see the new Saves folder as its folder automatically if there isn't already one.

Warning:  Newer versions aren't always compatible with old ones.  Eventually your saves won't work, or may cause problems.

Thanks bunches!

I just finished it on web, is there a way to save the web version saves to PC? Great game by the way! 

Unfortunately there is not :C

How do you unlock all of the gallery

Found a bug

I was fighting wally and this happened

I caught up on the story but I keep making me start a new game

what do you mean?

Like we I get back into the game I didn’t save me progress

I defeated a Leafy chunkster and got the skill called Nom! Nom! Nom! but when I try  to find the skill I couldn't find it. Is this a bug ?

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Most likely missing a tag on my part. Will make note Ty!

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I think there Is a problem 

With the bounce ability you can get in the Slime king's room and even in the vore route talking to him results into jill answering even if she's gone

Edit: btw i love this game

been meaning to fix that :) ty!



turns out in the options area for the stretched screen by turning that off it zooms in 

I finally found out why this was only really happening to me and no one else god I'm dumb lol

Is there anything you could do to help with that screen settings issue? 

I'm not sure what you mean xD

I had to take a picture of it from my laptop but it was this setting 

Ahh okay, you may be able to fix this on mobile by tapping on the text "Stretch Screen". Might need to rotate your phone.

Played the small update and its fun, cant wait to see how you show the waterbloating more


👀 i am excited to see what your question marks mean in the patch


decided to try this game out on a whim and fell in love. Especially Gigi I was so excited when I got her for my party. I Can’t wait to see more from this game! 


Ah! I'm glad youre enjoying it! Gigi is very special to me:3


Im pretty sure the 5.10 fix with the dumpy ring got undone with this update. I'd saved there before the update, fought Luci again, just cuz hehe big booty elf,  and she dropped another one. Haven't tried it again to see if it was an isolated incident tho.


Thank you, our strongest ass warrior. I'll double check this!

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Also, just random game questions. Is there currently any way to make the fencing/gate past the gap outside of the assquake shirne go away? And the mystery girl from the tavern; is there anywhere else she can be found after she disappears from there, or is that something for a future update? ( Also; really enjoying the game and it's characters. Gigi, Red, and Luci are easily my favorites with design and personality alone. Sorry for the massive reply)

Oh no worries! I love getting replies :)  

The fence near the ass quake shrine can't be moved right now. It's actually going away in a future patch. Where it leads will have a different way of getting there! Im glad u love the characters as much as I do!

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There may be a sequence of events related to the mysterious girl 🤫 it's nothing major, but might have hints to future stuff


Luci is my absolute favorite rn too.

Dumptruck legend.

Best character and I hope to see them fall in love (or at least begrudging appreciation) with their glorious backside one day


I can't help but visit Isabella every once in a while, waiting to see if she has a new mission, and I only come out fat, it's like she hypnotized me to eat her donuts.

That is the intended effect xD She does appear in a few other areas. And she will get much more screentime and interactions when we start developing the slime zones!

I hope the mission of "snacks for the princess" has been useful

I do have some stuff planned for when you complete that quest!

I think I found the river to the Candy Factory but for whatever reason the narrow passageway doesn't let me through, what do I do? I also started the mission with Gigi so does that break anything?

Youre actually looking for the Central Cavern outside the Seal of Flesh! Head south east from there. Also the quest with GIgi is completely separate :) There may be small changes depending what order you do them in tho :>

I'm in the Central Cavern. you can see those white symbols there and that goblin.

The names are a bit confusing (I've been meaning to change this) but you wanna go outside the seal of flesh

Love the game. How do we transfer save files to the newest version

on desktop, you can copy your save folder into the new versions game files

Dont know if this has already been brought up, so I'll mention it. On the bad ending path to enter the tower for the wind seal, you're supposed to kill sporella to unlock the door, but after I defeated red at the top and went to leave, sporella was in her normal spot again with the chatting and rematch options. Didn't think that should be there since she's supposed to be dead, so l thought I'd mention it. 

Thanks I'll make sure to make note of this :))

Oh, yeah I've got that too so it might be consistent.  I didn't report it because it looked intentional to allow rematches.  If it wasn't, it might be a good idea to add a way to rematch bosses without their presence in the overworld.  Like a little ghost or something!

question reds quest where is the located becuase its not in the walkthrough

its in the doc. I gave it a heading to make it more obvious where it is

What do i do after fighting sporella becsuse im just walking around at this point. I fed the flesh lord the eclar and mushrom thing

There may be some side content you missed or secrets to find, but that is all the major content the game has so far!

When do you think the next update will be out 


it's gunna take some time! Maybe another month or so. Itll be a big one tho!

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