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I play in browser

(1 edit)

Hmm try saving and reloading the web page?

Texture problem's

How soon could the next part come out?

Update next week with some bug fixes and misc stuff. Candy Factory Part 2 is being worked and wont be for another few weeks.

How can I do the mision of the mushroom princess castle?


This is a very old version of the game! Download version 0.5.0

ok thanks

Something to mention this to you after you eat the mushroom princess when you get to the right side of the map and someone's blocking your way some reason they're still the dialogue of mushroom princess even though she's already been vore

Thanks for the catch! Will make sure it's in the next release

No problem

Where can i found the mushroom princess?

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how do you plan on incorporating Isabella into future  content? Any plans on here being a partner? Lover? Potential feeder/feeder stuff?

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She will be more involved in the story depending on certain choices made throughout. There is some spicy stuff coming up involving her in the next update. Potentially a playable character, if I can squeeze her in after doing the other companions.

Romance/partnership is something ive been tracking in the background, but haven't implemented yet. Might just be a few cutscenes and stuff, but still in early stages

Excellent! Can't wait to see what you've got planned for her. 

One last thing, the Princess Snacks quest doesn't really seem to go anywhere on either route. Will that be addressed?

is there a bug with the quest? Or are you asking if there will be story/event stuff later? The answer to that is yes. Her sprite changes at the end of the dungeon based on certain choices.

The later story stuff is not implemented right now, but it's relevant.

Deleted 1 year ago

I have another question when are we able to Vore Red ??

It's coming :>

Really cool I'm looking forward whenever you do add that for red being Vore

I have a question in The Candy factory update are we not able to Vore Gally I was just wondering if you're going to add that

Yes she will. On that route she's already headed into the factory. You'll see her later on, but that won't be available in Part 1 of this update.



I have a question. I got to the mission of the seal of wind, but i ate the princess. Is there any way of continuing the story?

An update is coming out soon to add the dungeon to the route. There will be a few changes and a different boss .

Still cant find the spring ability

Would it be possible to give the blueberries to gigi when you end up fignting her at the castle?

No, but it was something I was considering. There are some unused sprites I have for her! I will be using them in a not too distant future update though!


Been playing this for like 2 days straight, and still not finished, overall really like the game, a lot of content and love the art, one of the best inflation and etc themed games, keep it up!


Thank you so much! It means a lot to me.

(1 edit)

I interacted with the statue but didn't learn the ability called ass quake.

Interact with it from behind

thx bro 

How do i get the spring ability

it is in the Seal of Wind dungeon in the Chapel!

Where's the chapel at

here what do I have to do? , because not even the character can jump

Head to the east to learn ass quake! Then u can slam on the platform

With whom he learned that skill, I already talked to all the characters that are there.

i also need help with this part since even after i have interacted with the statue i am not able to do any thing.


Great Game! The characters are cool, the mechanics are fun, and I love how the combat works!

Ty! I'm glad ppl enjoy my work!!

here's a good question, is there a right incantation for the witches brewery thing?

Yes there is! There are multiple outcomes and a secret alternate one too :)

ok thanks! I basically finished the game besides from completing the "feast for a dragon" quest because all I need for that is the endless cream eclair and the watermelon sobert.

Great! Yes those will be released later!

nvm I figured it out my apologies

Where  can I learn bounce? I just beat gigi in a fight and now idk where to go next xd

I really enjoyed the game. :-)
Are there any plans for a Mac version?
So far I only played in browser and even so I don't use a cc cleaner or anything, there seems to be no way to keep the save files if I shut down my computer. So I only saw the beginning of the game :-(

A mac version wouldn't be hard to add. Sometimes a browser setting deletes cached data on close. But ill put out a mac version with the next hotfix

(1 edit)

That's great news!
Downloading it now :-)

lemme know how it works! I don't know much about exporting for Macs x)

I use a Mac Book Air with M2 Chip and MacOS 14.0 (Sonoma) and the game runs great.
No problems or errors. Thanks again for your great work!

Great to hear!!

I haven't kept up with this in a while, are there more recruitable party members now or is it still just Mari and Jill? I was particularly looking forward to the paladin gal with the big ass to be a potential party member, but it seems she's locked to being a miniboss fight


Not yet. There will be more soon, including Gally and Gigi.


"including Gally"
You absolute champion!

She's my beloved

Same. Great work on the game, by the way! I've been really enjoying it.


hey what do you press to get rid of the leafs

You'll need Aerate, learned at the dragon temple dungeon

Can you explain why we're not able to eat the dragon girl the Lord of flesh cuz I clicked the option to eat her but nothing happened no dialogue

I haven't added that yet!  Vore stuff is still a big work in progress

(2 edits) (+1)

Oh you haven't added it yet oh  okay looking forward to it whenever you added it 👍👍

Are there any new interactions with Isabella depending on what route you take?

A few yes :)

i have a question, how do i save my progres from the last version to the actual

In the update where are you able to eat Jill I'm trying to figure that out while I'm playing


after eating 3 people, she will confront you. Select the option [Eat Jill], then defeat her in battle.


hey how do you get past the water is the first part of the cave because im stumped i have tried everything that i have thought of to get across

you have to step on the yellow runes while fat

ahhhhh thanks

¿Y si te ayudó?

how to learn ass quake

there's a temple, go inside and interact with the statue from behind it.


using a keyboard

how to jump on a plate

how i go out of the village?


Which one?

excuse me how to jump on plats

I lost my saves by sleeping in real life ;-;

How to prevent loss of progress and all my saves again?

If your are playing in the browser, there could be programs cleaning your cached data.

where and how can I access and edit the programs?

You'll have to check your browser settings or programs like CC cleaner

do you know any browser that will save and work?


this is so good


Ty Giorno Polpovanni

I have a problem with the yellow panels, I can't break them by jumping at the start of the game.

Make sure your fattened. There's also an issue if you are jumping and already on the tile. Make sure to jump into it.

No puedo,El problema persiste

like im saying the 2nd stage of the thing XD

I think you mean the yellow runes. Get fat and step on em.

yea but it wont work

bruh  how yea get pass the water i have hard time doing that

girl ur gunna need to be more specific

how do you get vore route i hadn't figure it out yet

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It's a bit janky to trigger. I'm working on an update to make it better

Oh ok but where do you trigger it

Right now it's basically Jill leaving the party when you eat someone. There's a few events but they won't trigger because a flag isn't set properly yet

(1 edit)

Oh that's why I understand and also how do I trigger her leaving the party I know when you eat someone but who do you have to eat for her to leave the party

omg. I tried to speedrun the game but when I came to play it the next day, my saves were gone... again

(1 edit)

Programs like CC Cleaner will delete your web browser cookies 💀 you might be able to configure it to not delete them. Other than that make sure youre using the same browser and not incognito mode

Deleted 1 year ago

Hmm I'm not too familiar with RPG maker optimization. But you can go into the /saves folder to clear stuff out

and also, how can I get the wind blowing ability?

The dragon keys can be gotten from two places. First one is in the western hall on the first floor. Activate the proper torches to reveal a chest. Second is on the second floor, to the west again. Flip all the switches and runes to open the way to a chest. That key can be used in the middle room to get the wind blow ability.

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