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Hey, not really anything important but just being picky, but once you complete the side quests that are avaliable, the reward isn't checked off, is that a glitch or have i not gotten the real reward

How am i suposed to get passed her?

Use aerate on her

(1 edit)

Thank you

Hello, I have a question. Is there another way to enter the seal of magic? Oh, you can only kill the mushroom queen. By the way, I’m on the vore route

Hello, I have a question. Is there another way to enter the seal of magic? Oh, you can only kill the mushroom queen. By the way, I’m on the vore route

why does it look like that


Shit I dunno man

Wow...  I haven't seen that one.  Impressive.  There are a couple bugged transitions that have been being fixed and accidentally warp you to incomplete maps or wrong coordinates on the grid of a room.  You must have found one that wasn't fixed.

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Can someone help me please? Where is the resevoir to get the watermelon sorbet? I want to complete the side quest from Kariarashi 🙁

That zone is not release yet! It's coming up in the next few major updates

I didn't know that, sorry. When is that zone going to be released in your next few major updates?

No worries. That quest will be added when the Water Zones are finished. We are just getting started on them now. It'll probably be broken up into several parts. I'd expect 2-3 months

(2 edits)

Okie dokie 👌 

Btw, what programs are you using to make your game? P.s: I just want to know 🥲

rpg maker mz

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Ok so 1, i finished the factory, love the inflation bit with the dragon, 2 does turning the dragon lady into a blueberry effect anything in the story or no? Along with the fungis lady as well (P.S. I've been waiting forever and was not disappointed, keep up the good work :3)


At current, the blueberry events appear to be essentially bonus content, given their hidden and optional manner.  While it might be possible they have implications later in the game, they don't currently do anything beyond themselves, even when eaten in the villain route through the game.  Further evidence for the "bonus" nature of these events is the delay for the blueberry area in the factory, in favor of making the Seal of Water a priority for the dev (See Dev Update!,  listed above).  It's too early to say for certain though.

(1 edit) (+1)

Yup, pretty much this! I can confirm that there is a different ending or two planned for the berry related events :)

Damn, sweet

Hey so for some reason when i go play the game in browser it's zoomed in and I can't zoom it out (I'm playing on mobile if that helps)

Probably something to do with you phones rotation/ orientation settings

Would you happen to know how to fix it cause its been 2 weeks since this problem started and i still cant figure out how to fix it

I can find and rotation/orientation settings

What happened to her after I defeated her? I gave her a food and nothing happen.

She'll stay there for awhile and you can move on. Eventually later she wont be there.

So should I eat her or leave her?

That's up to you :)

(1 edit)

So she don't have any impact to the story, thank.

Not necessarily true.

For some reason everytime I beat Karia'rashi this happens. I have only see this happen when talking to Gigi and Isabella. This did not happen when I played the older verisons. Is there a reason for this bug happening now?

Did you do the candy factory zone?


Ok will look into it , Ty :)

I have this question: if I play in the browser, is it also updated or not and please can you tell me where the double jump skill is located, I can’t find it, please take screenshots

You can find it beyond this door.

You need to get the Chapel Key in room behind this door.

In the chapel, you can tough this crystal to start the challenge to learn Bounce


If i download a new version is their a way to keep my old saves?


Look in the folder you used to store the game.  There should be a folder called "save" that you can copy and paste by right clicking.  Paste it into the new version's overarching folder before starting the game.  Alternatively, enter the save folder, copy the saves within, and paste them into the save folder of the new version, if you already started playing it and have a save folder in the new version already.  Note that completed events from previous versions that have new content in the new version might cause you to miss stuff.  Keep multiple saves across multiple versions in case something goes wrong so you can recover lost progress.  Over many versions, you may have to start a new game eventually due to incompatibility.

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I don't understand how to install the game on mac. Could you please help me?

First of all, congratulations for your game, it's awesome! But I've got a problem in the vore route. It says I have to "bring the Endless Cream Eclair to Kariarashi", and I can't find her anywhere. I've been stuck here for days... Could you please help me out? I've done everything in the map so far (I think) and the next zones are blocked (still wip I guess). Thank you very much and keep up the good work!

Did youb go to the Seal of Flesh yet? If so, did you eat the big dragon lady?

Yes, I ate her already before the 0.5.8 patch. Should I restart the game? Or follow a specific order for the quests?

You should see her again in her chamber

Excuse me but I'm afraid I might have not gone to the Seal of Flesh yet. I've already done the Seal of Wind (the one on the left) but the other two are blocked by a girl saying that the content has run out. The Seal of Flesh is the one at the very begining of the game? A girl there told me I could go through if I were fat enough, but even being immobile and jumping in front of the door did nothing, so I guessed it wasn't time to be there yet :/

Oh you have to Ass Quake on the dragon mask tiles while your immobile to open the door

Will there be a way to get the pink/purple slime lady on your team?

Not currently, but it's something I am considering

I found a bug where I couldn’t load the save file

Whats the highest lv you can get before you stop learning new moves

(like slime wave and such)

20 has the highest moves so far

ok thank you 

I'm sorry, I need your help, I can't complete the Expanding Knowledge and The Mushroom Risotto quests, please help me especially with the double slaughter skill, if you can, can you send me a screenshot so I can pinpoint the location?

What parts of the quests do you need help with?

with Expanding Knowledge if possible

What are you stuck on?

I can't find the skill related to double jump to cross the pits

It's in the Seal of Wind

Are these all the side quests that are available at the moment? 

(1 edit)

Yup. The only other one is vore route only and unable to be completed yet. The other is in the spore trails.

Deleted 1 year ago

Why does the fairy 1 shot my entire team???

is it supposed to do that?

You may be too low level or under geared! Ideally LVL 10 and with some decent gear. You can check out the areas outside the castle for gear!


(1 edit)

for some reason the door to the eclair quest disappears and can't be reentered and the 3 chocolate waterfalls behind the second wallywix boss fight lead to the same exact same room (also wallywix is still in her office after the second fight, but i dont know if it's intentional or not)


The waterfalls should lead to different parts of the room? Ill take a look into the other stuff, ty for reporting!

where is Resevoir?

Please  HELP

Its not available yet it to the right tho when your in the main chamber room (where you first go before you enter the area for seal of wind)

can you send me a screenshot?

Please :)


I'm sorry, I need your help, I can't complete the Expanding Knowledge and The Mushroom Risotto quests, please help me especially with the double slaughter skill, if you can, can you send me a screenshot so I can pinpoint the location?

how to get watermelon sorbet from the Resevoir?

I don't know if it is a bug or you removed it but the passive healing during the battles and outside while just walking around when the characters are immobile isn't working anymore. It worked in all versions before 0.5.7b

Inmobile was reworked a few patches ago, the passive regen being one of the things removed.

Oh I didn't realise thx for informing

I love this game. but I need healing spot. 

Like an inn?

yeah, but I would like to have a place in the dungeon where I can recover. ex: magic circle where I can recover.

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there is one in Chub town and one in The Forest town. I will be adding one in the cave area too

So just finished the eclair quest and have 2 questions 

1. Is there more to this update? 

2. Is a guesstimate of when we will be able to go to the reservoir and get the watermelon for the dragon  lady available

1. The dev log has the notes of all the changes. 

2. The water zone won't be finished for a while. It's well under way, and I'll release it in portions. But the Sorbet quest won't be available untill the whole zone is finished, so that won't be out for a long while.

0.5.7 has a bug where sometimes a crash will happen when starting the Eclair quest! This is being updated now  !


weird bug when trying to start the infinite Eclair quest.

(3 edits)

Ah thanks! Was that on the test site?

I was using the .exe, if that's what you're asking.

Okay, this should be fixed in the next update coming soon!

Im so excited for the next update

it is soon correct?

(2 edits)

My save disappeared, also, I know my phone is shit for saying this but why is something like this running at 5-15 fps. Also, is there a mobile install instead of using the web browser?

No there is not 

they've said they do not plan to make a android download

Yup no android plans as of yet. It's a possibility when I get the game finished and released.

I was reading comments and i saw blueberry stuff

what is that/how do I get it

Some of the bosses can be berried. There are hidden items in the Seal of Wind and Seal of Flesh that can be used on the bosses. The Candy Factory has some secret levers that can berry the boss as well.

Nooooo i already defeated the boss for the seal of flesh 😭😭😭

You can rematch her to get another chance :)

Oooo yay

I gave a meat to the elf that trying to ate me. But she didn't ate it.

Where is the reservoir

It will be to the east of the Dungeon central. Currently not available

When will it be available?

The next update or two will be focused on the Candy Factory. After that development for The Resevoir and surrounding zones will be next. We've already got a decent start on it, but there's still much to do.

How do I use the book of study? Im trying to learn Water I skills but equipping it or clicking on it doesnt do anything.

The book is for a spellcaster you recruit later. Maybe I should make that more clear 😅

oh i see, thanks!

I cant fine any of the mushrooms red wants how/where do you get them?

Head south of the tavern. Keep following the path and youll find some areas with lakes and rivers

ohh ok and one more thing

The pink slime girl in chub town 

Is there anything to her?  Or is she just there

She's there. She'll show up in other parts of the world too :)

oh ok

Btw idk if it's a glitch but I beat the boss in the candy factory but Dr Lucy is still saying the same lines as if the boss was still alive

will be updated in next patch :)

Hey so i kept going there every once and awhile but i havent seen any flantershrooms (i think that's what their called) idk if they just won't spawn for me or what

I need help 

Right here friend

it’s amazing but I lost all of my progress even though I saved

All I need is a hint. Trying to get to the Seal of Wind and there's bushes blocking my way, how might I blow them away? What do I need for that?

The Dragon Temple, to the west of the tavern.

Aw dip I was just there. Time to go back and figure out what I couldn't last time haha

im in this palace get stuck for a time to =)

If i may ask. What was the update anyways? Noticed it said it was updated 6 hours ago

Oh weird that it showed it updated. I was just reorganizing files

Same thing when i did slime and blueberry colors

Ah this bug still haunts me. I will look into it again

Tried to do the blueberry thing for boss Gally, game froze, and she didnt turn into a blueberry, only said that she was water bloated

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