Upcoming Pricing Changes
Hey all! I wanted to get some feedback from to the community on how I can monetize Dungeon of the Devourer going forward.
For a long time now, the game has been free to download and play! Eventually though, I would like to start earning back the money I've poured into it. I have a rough plan on how I want to go about this that's fair to everyone who has played and done testing.
I'd like to get everyone's thoughts on my plan so far:
1. The game will remain free to play on browser, but will remain "unsupported"
2. Test builds will be free, but only offered for a limited time.
3. Future updates, post the slime zone tutorial/initial story, will be limited to the paid version of the game.
Essentially, all the new game content coming out in the future will be part of the paid game, and everything I've created this far will be part of the "demo".
For the browser version of the game, as far as I know, there isn't a way to monetize webgames on itch. At the same time, the browser version of the game comes with a lot of problems with saving and browser compatibility. I intend to keep putting out browser updates, until I go over the file limit on itch. Ultimately, the browser version will be free but "unsupported" because of the potential issues.
Test builds will remain to be free, as a thanks to all my play testers. They will only be available for a limited time though.
As for pricing, I will be pricing the game at $20. Initially the paid content won't be as large, but as development continues the amount of content added will increase. Eventually I am also looking at a Steam release! Likely even early access.
Please let me know what you think, or if you have any other ideas and questions :)
- Glacie P.
Edit: For clarification, the game would be paid for once, all future releases included. It would not be $20 per update.
Get Dungeon of the Devourer
Dungeon of the Devourer
Status | In development |
Author | glaciepuff |
Genre | Role Playing |
Tags | Adult, expansion, Fantasy, fat, inflation, Pixel Art, stuffing, vore, weight-gain |
Languages | English |
More posts
- 0.6.9 - New Art & Fixes59 days ago
- 0.6.8 - Bug Fixes71 days ago
- 0.6.7 - Holiday Pt.2 & More!73 days ago
- 0.6.6 - Bug fixesNov 03, 2024
- 0.6.5 - The Berry LabsOct 31, 2024
- 0.6.4 - The Seal of WaterOct 07, 2024
- 0.6.3 - Bug FixesSep 08, 2024
- 0.6.2 - Lady Lake ExpandedSep 03, 2024
- 0.6.1 - Along Came PollynymJul 18, 2024
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Eh, I don't usually pay for games like this. Though I understand where you're coming from with wanting to get something back for all the effort. But with the free content being already about 2/3rds of the game (according to the version number at least) I'm not sure how much more would be given in a paid full release that would be new to begin with. It seems more like you're paywalling players from finishing the game's story rather than making a whole game that you'd then sell in full.
Then again, I'm not a seer. I don't know what'll be in the full release, or if it'd be enough content of enough quality to justify spending the money or not. I'll reserve judgement until then. You've done well so far; So that creates a lot of trust in what quality is yet to come. Don't waste it; And good luck.
Do those who bought it from itch io still get access to all new content or do they have to buy it again with the new pricing?
I'm not sure 100% how itch works, but I think I can set a minimum price on a file. So if you bought it for the minimum price before, then you have access. Otherwise, it might just count as bought no matter the amount paid. I'm not sure which way it works.
Thanks! :)
I don't really know what to say, but I think in one way, keep the game free until version 1.0.0, but may I would suggest like a pre order bonus for anyone who pays at least $20. For example, maybe add some kind of art pack containing high-resolution VN arts of the characters, maybe as well as concept art for the game or older art that were in the game until they were updated or removed (for example, Jill's old design before the redesigns). And then once version 1.0.0 is released and is moved to the paywall, people who "pre-ordered" should have access to download the full game.
It's just an idea that I thought of since many people are concerned about the paywall. Regardless, I hope to see more new great content on this wonderful game, and I hope to continue supporting the game as much as I can.
yo solo diré que fue divertido mientras duro, a mi me sorprendió encontrar a alguien que estuviese haciendo algo sin tener que cobrar se que hay otros pero no se comparan a este juego y la verdad este fue el 3 juego que juge al encontrar itch io es mi juego favorito y siempre estaba atento si avía una nueva actualización pero también cuando mas avanzaba el juego mas me preocupara que llagase a ser de paga, y no me molesta, el creador(a) de este juego si merece recuperara la inversión que le a metido anqué esta la posibilidad de jugarlo aun en navegador, en mi caso yo no puedo pagar esa cantidad en estas alturas ya que estoy en mi ultimo año de carrera y mas la universidad será un gran gasto y si se que es de un solo pago pero yo soy de guate y eso acá son como Q150 o un poco mas...
En fin esto es mas para agradecer al creador(a) por darnos a quienes no podemos pagar juegos por horas de diversiones con su juego y buenos personajes, eso es todo gracias por la oportunidad de poder seguirlo jugando en navegador te deseo éxito en tus futuros trabajos y nada mas feliz día tardes o noche dependiendo a que horas estén viendo esto
When the game comes out on steam, I could look into setting different prices per region that make it more accessible for different currencies
is it possible to maybe have it on Steam as that way you could monetize it and people would just have to pay once and then update it whenever you release a new update?
Yes I eventually want to add it to steam. Selling on itch also only requires one time payment.
Subscriptions are terrible but I for one don't mind buying something if it's of quality. This game rocks and is certainly worth a buy if it's a one-time deal for the finished product, or all updates to get to that from where we are. Leaving what we have now as a demo for folks to gauge if they're willing to take the plunge is good, so anyone who isn't already familiar can make an informed decision. I think you've got the right of it and I'd be in anyway.
Make the newest version major version paid/available for a sub on Patreon or Subscribestar while the version one update back is free. (most Bugfixes are free too).
The monthly subscription will pay out the most in the long run, funding the continued development, while making it ultimately free awards those who are patient.
Check out a pair of games called Trials in Tainted Space and Corruption of Champions II. That's how they do it and they have been doing well for a long time.
I think whatever you decide is best for you, but I agree that after the next update, if it's free, then we should pay for the game, whether it be a one-time payment or otherwise. sorry if this makes no sense spelling and words are not my strong point
It would be a one time payment for all future updates. Once you buy the game, all future updates come with it
The paths that you've picked will outright destroy any chance you have of this project staying afloat. People do not want a project like this to be paywalled after it being available for free for so long.
What would I recommend?
Simple. Version 7.0 is put up for Patrons, and when version 7.1 comes out, version 7.0 becomes available for free. Keeping this up until a full release, and then putting a price tag on it once it becomes complete, would see you earn back some of the cash you've sunk into the project, and still receive support and help when you need it.
I fully agree with how small the community of us is on itch a pay wall would cut a huge portion of the players and community.
I also agree because I don't know how files work on here, but I don't want to pay 20 dollars for new version every single time when a new update shows up with new features and new artwork if that's the case which I hope that's not the case.
No I would not have it per update. $20 once for all future content
Oh good, as long it's 20 dollars one time then I'm fine with it which it is so I'm fine with it
Not a huge fan of the patreon route, personally. I'd rather charge upfront once, rather then monthly. But having older versions being free could be something I do.
As long as its a one time payment I'm fine with it. Keep up the awesome work and beware of burnout.
Yes absolutely one time
One-time payment is a good option too, I'd be happy to buy it.