0.6.2 - The Stream Testing (update 4)

Some testing of some WIP stuff Ive been up to. Not super polished yet.  Currently web only.

Update 4

  • Fixed issues accessing the Harpy Cave
  • Fixed skills for Giant Harpy

Update 3

  • New Party Member - Lucillianna
    • Unlocked during the quest Pure of Heart
  • New Art
    • New Polly Fattened stage
  • New Zones
    • Silvercloak Hills
    • Harpy Cave
    • Ass Queen's Temple
  • New Quest - Pure of Heart 
    • Unlocked at the Ass Queens Temple
  • New Boss - The Giant Harpy
    • She is a very hard fight
    • Not all mechanically worked out yet

Update 2

  • Various fixes to the new zones
  • New Music - Ocean Serenity by ExplsvShoggoth
    • Plays in the water zones
  • Balance Change
    • Rebalanced Wallywix stats and skill damage values
  • Updated art
    • Chocolossus
    • Goblin Sapper / Zapper

Update 1

  • Added Luci immobile size art
  • Fixed Pollys new sizes not showing 
  • Fixed tiles in sewer area
  • Removed test NPCs in water treatment area 
  • Fixed The Stream teleporter not being an option
  • Fixed visual issue in river rapids stream

0.6.2 - The Stream

  • New Zones
    • The Steam - A rapid river leading to Brinestone City
    • The Sewers - An underground sewer full of slime monsters and secrets
  • New Art
    • Pollynym stage 4 Inflated, Slime, and Water
    • New enemy battler art
  • New Mini Boss
    • Big Silly Slime

Get Testing - DOTD


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Hadn't initiated luci's quest yet. went to chub town, didn't remember if this npc had always been there.  Interacted, got this error. 

Tried reloading it several times, never reloaded. Continued doing it even after i reloaded the game.

Ah damn. I'll make sure to fix that

Also, may just be my opinion, but i think itd be cool to make the cut-ins in the status menu larger. Especially since they're; if i can remember correctly, mostly shoulders up, and most of the changes between stages happen on the lower portions of the characters. Just a mega potato for thought, but you don't need to make changes you don't want to 

For Update 2:

1. There's still an issue in The Sewers when you continuously walking into any walls while in the slime, you'll almost immediately sink into the slime. I hope it's fixable. https://ibb.co/zJTjtms

2. In the Steam, you can jump over the steams and ignore any opposing steams. https://ibb.co/SxV1c1L

3. I'm unsure if this is on purpose, but when entering this way to the Sewers, and then using the ladder to return, it takes you near the Brinestone City entrance. https://ibb.co/MnKxwD3

4. Just an idea to add an interaction sequence before and after fighting the Big Silly Slime

That's all I've encounter, but last thing I like to know is will there be a stage 3 art for Polly's inflated state?

Are you holding the arrow key when walking into the wall?

And yes 3 is on purpose in cases of not being inflated or knowing how to swim.

That's all we'll see for Polly inflated. She'll get more fattened stages tho

Yes, I was holding the arrow key when walking into the wall.