0.6.4 Testing (Update 1)

0.6.4 - Brinestone City

Hey yall, this is very early testing for the new city. It will have stuff for progressing the Seal of Water questline, and completing Along Came Pollynym/ The Amulet of Fasting quests. The Ass Queen's temple opens up a bit too, you can go into some of the areas in the temple. Some cutscenes arent finished, and the city itself isnt fully fleshed out yet. Lemme know what you find :)

Update 1

  • New game now starts in dev room
  • Added skip to content for new stuff
  • Fixed issues with Coraline dialogue not appearing
  • Added more cutscenes
  • Added Vore route cutscene

Patch notes

  • Quests
    •  Along Came Pollynym can now be completed
    • The Seal of Water can now be progressed to talking with Queen Coraline and gaining access to the dungeon
      • The dungeon is not completed yet
      • Multiple ways to convince Coraline to open the dungeon
      • Not all cutscenes are finished in the dialogue options
  • New Zone - Brinestone City is now open and can be explored

Get Testing - DOTD


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(1 edit)

I've just checked the new patch and there's nothing that seem broken except for when you successfully convinced Queen Coraline, the quest doesn't update but the Seal of Water is still accessible. And for some reason when checking equip and status in the menu, Brookes image doesn't appear. https://ibb.co/jbR0tkX

One last thing, when talking to the dev girl near Queen Coraline, there's a berry amulet option. Is it possible to find it? If so, then how and where?

Yes you can get the berry amulet. You need to have the Amulet of Fasting and Dark Purple Crystal and bring it to the crafting guy in Brinestone city

Will there be affects to Queen Coraline if given the berry amulet in the future?

Yup :) it'll be the trigger for the berry version of her fight

As soon as I started the game, I couldn't go anywhere because I started at the "Butt" Queen's temple, and when I tried to leave the temple, the guard at the entrance was blocking the way. https://ibb.co/pLQ7LfL

putting out an update as we speak XD

It's up now. Also, you've done so much play testing for me, I have to ask if you'd like a credit as a play tester in game?

I was thinking no because I would just feel shy, but I think it's fair to say yes because I did help spot many different bugs in the game and also asked plenty of suggestions and feedback.

I could put it under any pseudonym or username you'd like, if it helps :)

What's funny that this is my pseudonym username. So, it's cool to use it for the credits.