Upcoming Character Change 2

Hey all, in patch 0.6.0, will be another character change, like I mentioned in my previous post.   

For the same reasons as Mari, Red will be replaced with a new character called Lexi. They will both function in the same role, with only some minor changes to dialogue. I hear elven mages have a thing for blonde humans these days, so I hope we can all appreciate the new addition! 

Also, the patch is coming close to being ready for release! There will be one more testing update that will include Lexi. So keep an eye out for that!   

Here is a little preview!

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It sucks to see my favorite character go but if this is what must be done then so be it. Either way, I'm excited for the upcoming patch. I'm sure it will be amazing!


RIF. Rest in Fantasy, the game's only redhead.


Not bad.  The palette swap feel is a bit jarring at first, but it works well, and more importantly is a far better solution than the project stalling out.  The design is just as complete and quality as what it's replacing, which is always nice!


It took me some getting used to, but I like it a lot now 😁


Do what makes you happy! You have your reasons for it and I think the new characters look great! I look forward to playing the new update. Keep up the great work, glaciepuff! ^^