0.6.2 - Lady Lake Expanded

0.6.2 - Lady Lake Expanded

  • New Zones
    • The Stream - A rapid river leading to Brinestone City
    • The Sewers - An underground sewer full of slime monsters and secrets
    • Silvercloak Hills - A grassy area above Lady Lake
    • Harpy Cave - A secret cave with a powerful boss within
    • Ass Queen's Temple - Just the outside of the temple for now, more to come later
    • Slime Caves - The beginning to the slime area
  • New Party member
    • Recruit Lucill’ianna by starting the quest Pure of Heart
    • She will need to be rescued from the Dragon Temple and defeated in the Chub Town tavern first
  • New Quest - Pure of Heart
    • The starting of Lucill’ianna’s questline
    • Not finished yet (WIP)
  • New Mini Bosses
    • The Silly Slime
    • Giant Harpy
  • New Art
    • Pollynym stage 4 Inflated, Slime, and Water
    • Pollynym stage 3 fattened
    • Lucill’ianna has new artwork for all statuses
    • Chocolossus
    • Goblin Sapper / Zapper
    • Various new enemies
  • New Music - Ocean Serenity by ExplsvShoggoth
    • Plays in the water zones
  • Balance Change
    • Rebalanced Wallywix stats and skill damage values
    • Adjusted Big Potato’s stats
    • Slightly reduced Krowley's magic stat
    • Various minor adjustments


dotd-windows 0.6.2.zip 839 MB
14 days ago
dotd-mac 0.6.2.zip 883 MB
14 days ago

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(1 edit)

I've replayed the game mainly to see how soon I can recruit Polly without entering the Seal of Flesh, and I encountered two small bug/issue.

1. After talking to Polly after saving her, there's a text saying Luci joined the team, but she isn't in the party, despite not being the correct moment. https://ibb.co/fFQsXgC

2. I feel that Jill's missing some VN arts. What I mean is when she does some expressions, only the dialog icon changes, but not the VN art. For example, in this scene, Jill's expression is looks like closing her eyes and blushing as the dialog icon shows, but her VN art for that expression doesn't show, until her expression changed to neutral, and her VN art appears. I almost forgot she's currently in her third/fourth water state. https://ibb.co/dpdTt4R

I've also have a couple ideas that could be changed/added to the game. 

1. When you first encounter and battle Luci near the start of the game, her enemy battle image(?) should be change to the same one when battling her again after freeing her.

2. I have managed to complete all of what The Reservoir currently has, excluding the Silvercloak Hills, without the need to enter the Seal of Flesh. So, I think it would be cool to include some of Polly's interaction in the Seal of Flesh before fighting Karia’rashi and the Big Potato.

That's all for now, I do wonder what next in store for the game, and I do hope to see Polly's immobile art in the next update. (I'm sorry, I'm just a big fan of that cute frog.)


Thanks again for the reports :)

For #1, I guess I somehow updated the wrong text. Will fix that.

Jill's has some old issues with her VN stuff. Shes one of the oldest set of images so there's some bugs when I updated the system. 

I also need to go back and write interactions into previous scenes for the new characters. This will probably be done slowly over time.

And we will be seeing an even larger frog in the future :))

Sounds good! I look forward seeing more content in the future!